Scoliosis is abnormal curvature of the spine in the coronal (lateral) plane. Kyphosis is excessive curvature of the spine in the sagittal (A-P) plane. Lordosis is excessive curving of the lower spine and is often associated with scoliosis or kyphosis.
Shva, 25, Israel
Shva was diagnosed with severe scoliosis from the age of 12. Her scoliosis was so servere that she was told that by the age of 25 she would be in a wheelchair. She tried many types of treatment, but nothing had been able to change her condition. Shva has been working on her scoliosis for over 3 years at the clinic for treatment and realignment and at home where she does her rehabilitation exercises.
Gwen, 64, United Kingdom
Gwen has worked hard at maintaining her body, trying to ensure that her scoliosis would not progress and cause more issues in the later years of her life. She had been given exercises by a UK clinic specializing in scoliosis, which she did religiously. She found that the exercises helped to maintain the scoliosis where it was but did not improve it. This season she decided to embark on a journey to correct the scoliosis.
Asi has just completed his second round of treatment. He was diagnosed with scoliosis as a young boy and underwent cervical spine surgery to help improve his spinal curve.
Three years ago, following a car accident, Asi started to suffer continuous pain in the center of his spine. The accident had created an issue at the pivot of the ‘S’ curve scoliosis. In order to address the new pain, Asi opted to rectify the scoliosis.
Scoliosis kyphosis
Maria has spent years keeping physically fit in order to manage severe scoliosis and has tried many different modalities. This season she was able to significantly improve the kyphosis in her lumbar spine and the way she moves in her body.
Lisa, 30, Germany
Lisa had been living with lumbar und upper spine scoliosis and an unbalanced hip. Because she easily suffered from muscle tensions in her neck, lower back and hip, she tried different methods to develop a better posture. She also practiced a lot of yoga but didn’t know which postures were suitable for her condition. As a result she developed strong muscle tensions due to overstraining and spinal twisting.
Lisa’s initial treatment took place over nine weeks in Dharamsala. Half a year later she joined the clinic in Goa for another 4 weeks.
When I started the treatment at Bone & Body I could finally notice a continuous improvement of my condition because here I worked on the core of my problem. Through Ringo’s alignments and the exercise program I gradually developed and balanced muscles in my body that had been weak before. I learned to stretch and relax the muscles in my back that had been overstrained and tight most of the time, due to weak posture.
Through the treatment I got to know my body much better and finally found a way to gradually balance my scoliosis. I gained clarity about the roots of my condition, something I had been lacking before. I know that with Bone & Body I eventually found the right guidance and assistance on my path to healing. I am deeply grateful to the whole team that showed me a way out of my confusion!

Christina was diagnosed with scoliosis as a child. At 17 years of age her right thoracic curve was 54 degrees with a compensating left lumbar. The only treatment option she had been given was to try to stay fit to control the pain. Christina has been in treatment for three seasons.
It was music to my ears when Ringo said it would be possible to help me. What I hadn’t fully acknowledged before I started treatment, was that the correction of my curves would be achieved. I had always been told by doctors and practitioners keeping fit and flexible would help to alleviate the pain, yet NO-ONE had EVER offered a complete healing. Having a straight spine was something I had never ever allowed myself to dream about… and here we are making it happen.
I have been fortunate enough to receive treatment consistently for over a year now and the transformation is phenomenal. I hold the utmost love and respect and gratitude for Ringo, Miranda, their family and all the staff at the clinic, and what they are giving me. Their faith in what is possible and the energy, care and commitment they demonstrate for my wellbeing is nothing I’ve ever experienced. After nearly 25 years of numbing the pain, trying to pretend it wasn’t there by disconnecting myself from it and from feeling my body, sometimes it is difficult to believe we are achieving what we are, but it really is happening. Putting aside for one moment the miracle of the physical transformation, Ringo and Miranda compassionately appreciate the challenges of having scoliosis, despite neither of them having it and so to feel understood and heard with such a condition is life-changing, in itself.
The rewards of treatment for me, are indeed many. A significant factor, which I found was never acknowledged when I underwent any kind of assessment or treatment in the West, was the impact of my scoliosis on my internal organs. The condition and position of the spine can affect their functionality. Particularly for me, my digestion and breathing have been compromised for a long time. These are improving as the change in position occurs.
The treatment is a very technical process and has been designed in such a manner that has the patient actively take responsibility for and participate in their own healing, in conjunction with Ringo’s work. Ringo’s knowledge and connection with the human body is extraordinary and in collaboration with the patient’s will and commitment, the benefits of undergoing treatment at the Bone and Body Clinic are immense for any musculoskeletal condition. There is no denying, at times it is extremely tough and intense work, however this makes me all the more determined and has made the transformation all the more rewarding for me. The treatment process has given me the opportunity to reconnect with my body, my existence, what is important to me and be self-responsible for my own wellbeing and healing. I feel far less restrained in how I live. I feel my body is far less restricted in the way it operates each day. I am more self-valuing. I feel more alive. I have my breath back.
Ringo and Miranda’s passion for helping people get well and changing their lives for the better can only sincerely be acknowledged as inspirational. I thank them with every cell of my body and every breath I take.

Simon suffered with scoliosis. Having been treated for a number of years by chiropractors in the UK, he was told his condition was incurable and that he simply had to live with it. His pain and discomfort became more severe over time. He was unable to sit down crossed-legged and he leaned to the left. Simon’s initial treatment period was four weeks after which he continued with his rehabilitation stretching programme. He rejoined treatment two months later for a further eight weeks.
Ringo performed a bone resetting procedure on me, restoring my vertebrae to alignment. This was followed up by a tendon resetting treatment to realign my muscular system to my corrected skeletal frame. These treatments had an immediate positive impact on my condition.Ringo advised undertaking a stretching regime that would assist in releasing the tight tendons in my hip, to allow the left hip to come into alignment with the right. This was a long process of stretch-training, once a day for three months.
This had a hugely beneficial effect. And, after immediate relief from the shoulder and neck pain from the initial treatments, the stretching regime reduced the pain in my lower back, which also began to improve significantly. I continued the stretch-training with Ringo for a further two months during a subsequent visit to the clinic. His patience and dedication to my health was impressive and he helped me correct a condition that I was offered no remedy for in the UK. I owe a great deal to Ringo and to the Bone and Body Clinic, as this treatment has enabled me to enjoy a life that is back pain free! I would not hesitate to recommend the Clinic to anyone who is suffering from scoliosis.