We specialise in the holistic treatment of musculoskeletal misalignment and dislocation, displacement and instability in the joints – especially the spine. We also treat scoliosis, osteoarthritis, ligament tears and other sports injuries, degenerative disc disorders and paralysis.
Our treatment system is derived from the indigenous healing and martial arts traditions of Manipur. We use manual manipulation therapies, a unique stretching rehabilitation programme, and natural medicines to bring the whole body back into balance.
Dr Ringo Paonam is an osteopath, an ayurvedic doctor and martial arts master, who has developed a unique system of treatment for musculoskeletal conditions which draws from all three disciplines. His treatment is complemented by other traditional, indigenous Manipuri therapeutic techniques and treatment systems that are effective in diagnosing and treating a wide range of disorders.
Dr Ringo Paonam is an osteopath, an ayurvedic doctor and martial arts master, who has developed a unique system of treatment for musculoskeletal conditions which draws from all three disciplines.
He runs the clinic in collaboration with members of his extended family, all of whom specialise in traditional, indigenous Manipuri therapeutic techniques and treatment systems. They use their combined experience and skills to diagnose and holistically treat and wide range of disorders.
The Bone and Body Clinic’s approach to diagnosis and treatment is based upon a fundamental understanding of the human body as one linked system.
We believe that in order to effectively treat the symptom, the source and cause of the problem must first be identified. Often, that source can be seemingly unrelated to the immediate pain or disorder being experienced.
Initially, our team focuses on examination of the spine. From this, a map of the patient’s entire bodily system is developed to gain a better understanding of the specific problems a patient is experiencing.
A treatment plan is designed for each patient that combines therapies developed from the traditional health and fitness systems used in Manipur. Our treatment combines the realignment, repositioning and securing of the body’s joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles.