Disc Disorders and Spinal Injury/Trauma

DISC DISORDERS AND SPINAL INJURY Disc disorders such as herniation and degenerative disc disease can cause severe neck pain, chronic lower back pain, sciatica, numbness and tingling in the arms and shoulders and muscle weakness in the legs. Spinal injury may cause...

Related Conditions2

RELATED CONDITIONS When treating musculoskeletal conditions, other ailments and symptoms often manifest in the body. For example, in thoracic (upper spine) injuries, patients may experience shortness of breath. With injuries to the lumbar spine, related conditions may...

Scoliosis, Kyphosis and Lordosis

SCOLIOSIS, KYPHOSIS AND LORDOSIS Scoliosis is abnormal curvature of the spine in the coronal (lateral) plane. Kyphosis is excessive curvature of the spine in the sagittal (A-P) plane. Lordosis is excessive curving of the lower spine and is often associated with...

Partial Paralysis

PARTIAL PARALYSIS Partial paralysis is characterised by loss of movement or sensation in affected muscles or muscle groups. For example, the patient can often move one limb more than another, they may have more function on one side than the other, or they might have...

Sports-Related Injuries

SPORTS RELATED INJURIES Sports injuries result from acute trauma or repetitive stress associated with athletic activities. Sports injuries can affect bones or soft tissue (ligaments, muscles, tendons). ; b PREMA ACL and meniscus I BARBARA Spinal Injury...