When treating musculoskeletal conditions, other ailments and symptoms often manifest in the body. For example, in thoracic (upper spine) injuries, patients may experience shortness of breath. With injuries to the lumbar spine, related conditions may include irregular or painful menstruation in women, as well as a range of digestive disorders. Other related conditions include auto-immune diseases, depression and loss of concentration, liver and kidney dysfunction, and skin conditions.




Psoriasis arthritis


Rheumatoid Arthritis


Hashimoto’s hyperthyroidism


Digestion causing rheumatic pain



Raaya came to the clinic to check her scoliosis. She had also been experiencing migraines and painful periods for many years. Raaya has completed 12 weeks of treatment.

I came to Bone and Body to get treatment for migraines (which have occurred almost daily for the past 10 years) and very severe period pain. While in my first checkup with Ringo, I was very impressed by his presence, that inner presence that is so rare to come across. My body told me that these hands know what they’re doing and that here is a person in an active practice while examining me. He was really present in the room and with my body, so I trusted and decided to go for it, no matter the cost. I worked things out and came back a year later.

The spinal alignments were kind of scary at first, the tendon alignment was so subtle but powerful, the stomach treatment painful and slow, and the stretching that I did in class demanded a lot of effort from my side. None of it was easy but all of it seemed to make such a big difference. It was and still is a process of ups and downs, but clearly and surely, every “down” is a bit higher and better than the previous one.

After a while I realized that for the first time since I could remember, when I laugh now it comes from deep down in the bottom of my belly rather than from my throat. Not only am I REALLY laughing, but I’m naturally doing it much more. I also started smiling, a rare thing for (the old) me. There was a new thing behind the smile — there was an actual feeling behind it. I can now honestly and confidently claim that I finally know joy.

With a lot of conscious work on stretching, patience in stomach treatment, and a little bit less fear during alignment, I find that during the day I can hold the upper part of my torso with less muscular effort. Space has cleared up in my stomach so that I can bend more (and laugh!). I regained my body and in doing so I am slowly regaining my life.

It’s not as if I was not able to walk or stand before, but here I learnt to walk and stand in new ways. Those new ways opened the door for new pieces of my personality to emerge, truly a change for the body and soul.

My testimonial may be too long for today’s busy reader, but for me it has been a process that demanded patience and time, and I feel compelled to pass my experience on to anyone who is considering coming to this clinic. In my experience here, I found each and every practitioner that treated me to be an expert in his and her own field. I found so much help from the staff and am moved by their motivation and effort and the massive amount of time that they give of themselves each and every day.

The other patients in the clinic have also gone through their own winding processes and together we formed unique friendships. I found the clinic full of warm, helpful patients in addition to the amazing staff.

For me, this clinic, the practitioners and the stretches saved my life. This is not a dramatic exaggeration. Not only is my body much better, but I also have a tool in hand to keep the healing process going on my own. No words that I can write would be sufficient to express my gratitude towards Ringo, Miranda and the practitioners and staff.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart and will remember you every time I feel my laugh come from the bottom of my belly.

Christian, 63, Norway

Psoriasis arthritis

Christian has been suffering from psoriasis arthritis since 1977. His body has slowly become less flexible as his spine has calcified. Standing and talking to people was becoming more challenging as his spinal position became more kyphosed. Christian completed 2 months of treatment.

I want to thank you and Ringo and the rest of the staff for a fabulous two months!

Coming home to my usual environment I can feel how much my body has changed, being more flexible, a little straighter – and very very optimistic about my condition. My skin is also really good, compared to when I came – it was a real disaster.

Just a little note to express my gratitude for the work you do – and all the help I received and for your continued work.

Sam, 67, Switzerland

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sam suffers from pseudo Rheumatoid Arthritis, which developed as a results of two other conditions – hemochromatosis and hepatitis C. When Sam arrived at the clinic last year his fingers were stuck. The pain was so immense he was managing it using pain medication on a daily basis. Sam is back for his second season. This year we continue to work on Sam’s fingers and now have moved into correcting other skeletal issues.



Agatha came to the Bone and Body Clinic after many years of suffering from poor digestion, constipation, abdominal discomfort, insomnia and headaches. She had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Hyperthyroidism for which the only treatment available under the allopathic system is synthetic thyroid hormone replacement, which didn’t work for her, creating only worse symptoms. Agatha’s treatment has been a combination of extensive stomach treatment, exercise rehabilitation, skeletal realignment and specially made natural medicines. Agatha undertook treatment over 3 seasons.

Ringo and Miranda have been extremely attentive. With Ringo’s stomach treatments the blockages in my stomach are breaking up and moving. I have also been taking specially designed herbal medicines. My blood tests have shown distinct improvement. Ringo also took care of my neck issues that were causing me headaches. I am in the best shape I have ever been. The quality of my life has improved tremendously. Being mobile, active, energetic and self-sufficient is very important to me. Given my great progress, I have a lot of hope for the future.



Frances had been suffering from pain in her joints, especially her knee and ankle. She has had a poor digestion for as long as she could remember, always feeling bloated and uncomfortable after eating. Her blood results showed extremely elevated rheumatoid arthritis and elevated c-reactive protein levels. Frances undertook 3 months of digestive and skeletal realignment treatment.

I wanted to say how much better I feel since starting the clinic in November. I arrived tired, in pain and puffy with a knee that would swell up constantly. I was only able to tolerate green beans, carrots, the tops of spring onions and a bit of chicken and that’s about all, with a painful belly that would swell up constantly. I am leaving with a little bounce in my step, much more energy, able to tolerate so much more food, my knee hasn’t swollen up and I’ve been exercising on it every day. I have de-puffed considerably. Not to mention the lifestyle changes we have undergone since being here: i.e. choosing not to work in the evenings and on weekends, going to bed early (which in Spain is unheard of), having dinner early, incorporating movement into our daily lives. It has been a learning curve and hard work, but I am just soooo happy to have had this opportunity.